Thursday 21 June 2012

Highlanders loading to their respective Dropships

Wee finally finished all the highlander castings (Took longer than I hoped do to a 10day delay in supplies). Those who have pre-ordered your highlanders should be outbound on their dropships tomorrow (Friday 22 June 2012).

Yes the spaceport has a dirty beige carpet (that's what happens when your office is also your workshop. Besides we're moving house next week :P) Some of you might have noticed there's 7 highlanders. One would be mine, five are pre-orders and one is going to be squirrel away for my son once he'd old enough to appreciate how awesome daddy is.

I'm hoping his reaction upon opening will be this;

rather than this;

I'll be posting some closes ups of my highlander once I get the chance (i.e. after I clear my desk of all these coffee cups). She's all painted purrty in the SMTK signature blue and tan with lashings of future grime.

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